A story is basically death and rebirth of something, meaning it can start being happy or sad but it must potentially end up being the opposite to what it started. The beginning involves a character, a world and a problem. The middle is the journey of solving the problem, with struggles. And the end is the resolution of solving the question.
The next part of the day was getting into groups and drawing characters that have been apart of our lives, different places that mean something good or bad to us. As a group we had to join up things that could possibly work as a story, for example someone had a Barbie doll which was joined to Bratz dolls, making a story of which was the better toy doll. Eventually we came up with three stories involving some of the drawings on the page, but only using 6 frames which had to include a introduction, problem, 3 struggles and a resolution.
The stories that we cam up with were very random but they did all include a introduction of characters, a problem, struggles and a resolution.
Fig 1 authors own
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