Monday 14 October 2013

Drawings and Collage

For the final part of the rotation weeks was Graphics. The first part of the week started off by using different drawing techniques and different mediums to draw with. The techniques were to close our eyes, with our mouths, opposite hand and continuous line. Plus we had to draw different people around the class so you get a various collection of images with different peoples faces. I like the different techniques that were used to draw the faces as it brings out a different effect for each.  

The next part of the first day was too draw on A1 paper someones ear. I chose to draw the ear in charcoal as I feel it would create a lot of depth and shadow to the process of the ear. In my opinion I feel as if I could of defined the parts of the ear so much more with mid-tones of grey/black. Maybe I should of sketch the ear out in pencil first then defined it more with the charcoal. After we had finished we all put the A1 sheets together on the floor and looked at the contrast in style and techniques to draw the human ear.  

The last past of the first day was to create a collage of a face using different magazine and paper cut outs of peoples faces. I used different tones of skin to create the face. Of course eyes that weren't the same and two different types of hair colour, also the nose was a different skin tone to the rest of the face. I like the range of skin tones brings to the new face. Also the hair tones add another element to the facial features and brings out the eyes and lips.

After making our face collage, we had to cut a small square and select apart of the face to then draw out. I chose to draw a section of the eye and lots of the hair flowing down the face. 
Here is my final outcome is this sketch below. I think I could of added a little bit more detail to the section, for example more shading and more definition within the hair, but over all I think it is a good attempt. 
Fig 1-5 authors own

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