Friday 18 October 2013


The second day of the Graphics was creating different styles typography using a range of techniques such as the opposite hand, just dropping the pen onto the paper, drawing around objects or using masking tape.  Below are some of the different techniques, of creating the alphabet and numbers. 

 My favourite designs from what I created was the letter P which I created by placing masking tape in the letter's shape, then went over it in two different shades of blue. I like the effect that  it has on the letter because of the lines doing it the same direction. Also another is the letter K or M which was scissors opened out and drawn around with charcoal.  

We as a class put all of our typography examples onto a table so everybody could see what everyone else had done. Also to pick up on different techniques that people could use in the future. 

The final part of day two was to create a 125 by 125mm square with words that we could hopefully achieve or want to be like in the future. I used different fonts which were Gill Sans Bold and Helvetica Neue Bold. I also tried to get a range of sizes incorporated into the design. The colour asspect I used was mainly pencil grey and black pen, but I wanted a splash of colour added of I chose two shapes of red/pink, to liven up the design.    

Fig 1-4 authors own

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