Saturday 5 October 2013

Spaghetti Structure

The second day was about building a structure that could hold three balls but only using 20 pieces of spaghetti and a hot glue gun. First of all we had to draw some sketches of what our potential structures could look like using different mediums, pencil, colour pens and biro. 

After the sketches I tried to work out what was the best possible way to build the structure. I thought the best possible structure was triangles. After a few attempts of figuring out a ways of holding the balls, I stuck with the triangular structure.  This was the sketch that I transformed my structure from.  

After gluing the spaghetti together, I photographed the structure on a table with lighting a a white backdrop to create some shadows and adding small people to the structure to make it look like a building of some sort.

After photographing the structure with the balls in them I took them out and just took pictures of the spaghetti structure which created beautiful shadows. on the white background

The final part of the second day was to create some packaging for it, only using 2 A4 pieces of paper, 1 A1 sheet and prit-stick. What I did to protect the structure was to screw up the two sheets of A4 paper an put that into the structure then wrap up the spaghetti like a present. The packaging had to be able to protect the structure from a basketball being dropped onto it from a height. Unfortunately all of the structures packaging didn't support the balls force.  

Fig 1-9 authors own

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